Senior Maths Challenge - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



Senior Maths Challenge

Our Sixth Form mathematicians have been busy recently, excelling in the United Kingdom Mathematics Trust Senior Challenge.

The challenge is aimed at all 16-19 year olds studying mathematics and involves answering 25 multiple choice questions in 90 minutes. It is sat in school under normal exam conditions.

The top 60% of students nationally receive a gold, silver or bronze certificate in the ratio 1:2:3. Top performing students are then invited to take part in follow on rounds. At St Clement Danes School, 61 of the 100 participating students will receive certificates (4 gold, 16 silver and 41 bronze) and three of our A level mathematicians have qualified for the prestigious ‘Senior Kangaroo’ – congratulations to Joseph Freedman, Tessa Hedstrand and Arun Gharial for this achievement.

Some of our sixth form mathematicians have been even busier exercising their maths brains as they were selected to compete as a team against other local schools and colleges at the Regional Final of the Senior Team Maths Challenge. This is a competition run by the UK Maths Trust and the Further Maths Support Programme designed to test mathematical, communication and teamwork skills. On Monday 14th November, Zara Ahsan, Tessa Hedstrand, Kieran Patel and Elliot Stone spent the afternoon at Merchant Taylors’ School taking on this challenge. The team came a very respectable 15th and were particularly successful in the infamous cross-number round!

The Maths Faculty at St Clement Danes would like to congratulate all of our Senior Mathematicians, particularly our prize winners and team competitors.


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