Ofsted - St Clement Danes School






Following the Ofsted inspection on 26 and 27 March 2024 His Majesty’s Inspectors found St Clement Danes to be an ‘Outstanding’ school, retaining the grading awarded at the last inspection in 2011. They went on to praise the school and award ‘Outstanding’ judgements for each of the five areas they looked at: Quality of education; Behaviour and attitudes; Sixth-form provision; Personal development and Leadership and management.

The inspectors recognised that:

Pupils are highly respectful of one another…Behaviour in lessons and around the school is exceptionally good. Pupils know how their behaviour can influence others. As a result, they choose to hold themselves to the highest standards of conduct. 

Our aim as a school has always been to enable every one of our students to grow into responsible and fulfilled adults with the skills, qualifications and confidence to shape their futures. This was recognised by the inspectors:

The school has placed equal value on developing pupils’ character alongside subject expertise. Not constrained by the limits of exam requirements, the result is a highly ambitious curriculum. Pupils can develop a rich and deep understanding of the world around them.

Staff, students, parents and groups that support the school live and breathe the school’s vision for all students to succeed and develop their character in a kind and caring environment. The report from the inspection team testifies to the realisation of that vision:

“Pupils thrive in a school where they feel valued, safe and happy. Careful thought has been put into what knowledge pupils need to be successful leaders of the future. All pupils are treated with the same level of kindness and dignity. Pupils take on responsibility with fervour and with the extensive support they receive around future steps they are extremely well prepared as they move on beyond the school.


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