Year 12 Theatre production trips - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



Year 12 Theatre production trips


The drama department has been busy visiting various drama productions. Thank you to our students who watched the productions and did a fantastic job representing our school in the community. 

On Thursday 2nd May our Year 12 students went to the Garrick theatre, London to watch ‘Black Boys who…’. It was a challenging, vibrant, fast paced and ultimately uplifting performance detailing what it is like to be a black male in contemporary society. Students could not stop talking about the performance on the way home and they will definitely be taking inspiration from the production in their own creative choices. 

The Curious Incident in The Night was performed by local amateur dramatics Rickmansworth Players, where many of our students attend the youth programme. Our Year 12 student Chris Shearlock was cast as the lead and was absolutely outstanding, portraying the role of Christopher with sensitivity and consideration. The show was directed by Vikki Flowers (SCD alumnae) and A level students enjoyed seeing one of their set texts brought to life. At the end of the performance Chris received a well-deserved standing ovation. 




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