Year 12 students recount their work shadowing experiences - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



Year 12 students recount their work shadowing experiences

Year 12 spent the very end of the Summer Term undertaking Work Shadowing placements in a wide variety of establishments. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to try out a potential career for a few days and often helps in decisions regarding Higher Education and future career paths. For a flavour of some of the work they did, some excerpts are included below. A fuller account from a wider variety of students is available at the bottom of the page to download.

My week consisted of experiencing different forms of engineering, both in general and how they function within the company.  I was pleased to be involved in a practical project throughout the week, designing and constructing a device which would measure the amplitude of sound.  In this project I soldered electrical components into a circuit board, arranged its sensing and display systems, and then constructed the final product. 

Kieran Patel

I shadowed ex-student Jonathan Davey who is a Queen’s Counsel Barrister.  Part of the fun of this placement was the location; working in the city was very exciting – despite the commute!  I spent two days with Jonathan at his Chambers in Lincoln’s Inn.  During this time, I sat on a variety of cases in different courtrooms across London. It was really interesting because it made me realise the complex realities of a job within the field of law. 

Nina Turnbull


I had the privilege of undertaking Work Experience at Sony Music in London, and it was fantastic! The overall highlight of my experience was being given the opportunity to spend a day in the recording studio with ‘NGOD’ – one of their most recently signed bands – recording their top 3 tracks for radio.  

Isabelle Alderson


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