Performing Arts Faculty - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



Performing Arts Faculty

The Drama department has had an incredibly busy start to the academic year with some highlights below.

The Year 13 students attended a Drama Trip to The Old Vic to see Pygmalion, a picture of the group is highlighted above. Pygmalion is studied for C1 of the A Level course and the story reimagined in the style of the practitioner, Emma Rice. The students have their performance in November and are working towards this presently.

In other news, 97 GCSE students went to see The Woman in Black at Waterside Theatre Aylesbury on the 11th October. They had a wonderful time, enjoyed all the jump scares and were immaculately behaved.

The upper school show 'Her Naked Skin' by Rebecca Lenkiewicz has begun with auditions taking place this week, this was well attended and will be a difficult one to cast with so much talent at SCD. The show will be performed in the Drama Hall in February in Thrust staging. It is set in London in 1913 and explores the sacrifices made by the women of the Suffragette Movement. This will be a powerful and hard hitting piece of Drama (a change of gear from Shrek!).

GCSE C1 performances take place the week commencing 6th November, this is worth 40% of their GCSE and students have been devising in the style of Brecht making inspiring political and social theatre that aims to challenge an audience and make them want to make change in the world.

Drama club on a Monday is joyful and well attended with 50 plus students attending weekly and Technical Theatre Club is on a Tuesday lunchtime. Both clubs are ably led by our Drama and Tech Prefects. We are really looking forward to sharing more delights from the Performing Arts faculty as we lead up to the end of the year!






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