Commemoration Day 2022 - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



Commemoration Day 2022

With much delight we held our annual Commemoration Day on Friday, 18th of November. Students in Years 7, 11, along with the Year 13 prefects were in attendance at the service which took place at St Clement Danes Church in The Strand. The remaining students were able to watch the live streamed service at school.

The service commemorates the founding of St Clement Danes School in 1862. The day of the service is a Friday close to the 23rd November, being the day of St. Clement, Patron Saint of Mariners.

The service was conducted by the Resident Chaplain, Reverend Mark Perry, and the speakers’ address given by Mr Nick Daymond, Education Consultant. The Processional Cross was carried by Head Boy Marcus Ashby and the Acolyte Torches by Atharva Sahay and Alice Hall.

A particular thank you to Miss Stevens, Mr Butterfield, Miss Smart, for their hard work and input in ensuring the morning was a huge success and Miss Ryan and Ms Cremins for their organisation of the day. A very special thank you to our talented students in the Commemoration Orchestra and Choir who gave spectacular performances.



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