Jesse Triumphs in Triathlon - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



Jesse Triumphs in Triathlon

We are extremely proud of our Year 9 student, Jeese Keen, who earlier this month raised funds for his football team, Hemel Greens, to help fund a replacement kit.

Jesse decided, through his own initiative, to set himself a target of raising £500 by completing a ‘Jesse Triathlon’.

Jesse swam an astonishing 5km, cycled 32km and ran 5km, all before lunchtime, achieving his target of £500 and raising in excess of £1800! The money raised will not only cover the cost of the replacement kit but Hemel Green football club are now in a position to also pay a professional referee for all of their home games this season and will still be able to donate £500 to a Ukrainian family support fund.

A huge congratulations to Jesse, who having never done a triathlon before, has shown his motivation, commitment and bravery!  





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