Deliveroo engineers code with Computer Science students - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



Deliveroo engineers code with Computer Science students

On Thursday 12th December Computer Science students were lucky enough to have 9 software engineers (including ex SCD student Jennie Quinton) visit the school from food delivery company Deliveroo. The engineers visited the school to give a fantastic coding experience for all the Year 10 and Year 12 Computer Science students. The students were given a quick introduction, then began coding in Java Script, HTML and CSS (3 different languages). The target for the coding was to be able to program some drones brought in by Deliveroo and allow the students to fly them around in the sports hall. All 40 students achieved this task with several groups completing every task set by the Deliveroo engineers. This was a great opportunity to truly realise the link between coding in the digital world, and its effect in the real world.

The students experienced a huge sense of pride and achievement for what they had managed to create in just one day, and took part in an awards ceremony to mark the occasion. The team from Deliveroo left with our fullest appreciation and a need for a rest after an action-packed day! We hope that they will come back again next year!

Mr Carl Taylor (Subject Leader Computing)





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