Students' success in Public Speaking Competition at University of Cambridge - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



Students' success in Public Speaking Competition at University of Cambridge

Congratulations to the Public Speaking Team - Year 11 students Milo Thomas, Alex Pullen and Louis Ertl who competed in the regional finals of the ESU - Churchill  Public Speaking Competition, which was held at Magdalene College, Cambridge on Saturday 16th March. The team achieved a fantastic third place out of a highly competitive field of seven schools, which were all of an extremely high quality. The standard of the competition was extremely high and, as usual, the team performed brilliantly with Louis Ertl receiving a prize for best questioner.

Congratulations also go to Year 13 students Maxwell Duncan and Jonathan Driver who have supported the team throughout the competition process, and have been of invaluable help in coaching and mentoring the Year 11 students. English Teacher Mrs McLetchie-George, who attended the competition in Cambridge with the team, praised the Year 13 students, stating that they are excellent role models to the younger team.

To find out more about the English Speaking Union Competition please follow the link below:
















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