Evie first in national ice skating competition - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



Evie first in national ice skating competition

Huge congratulations to Evie, Year 7, who earlier this week competed at her first national ice skating competition. In her category, Beginner Girls 11-12, she skated fantastically to come first! The event was held in Coventry and run according to National Ice Skating Association rules. Evie had to skate a programme of 90 seconds, containing a maximum of three jumps and two spins. The 24 competitors in her class came from across the country. Evie has only been skating for two and a half years and joined her current squad at the start of the academic year. She currently trains four times a week. Well done to Evie on this fantastic achievement - she is obviously making very good use of the boots purchased with the SCD Sports Bursary she was awarded earlier this year.


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