Year 12 Drama students visit National Theatre Workshop - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



Year 12 Drama students visit National Theatre Workshop

Year 12 drama students attended the National Theatre on Thursday 26th January for a study day to support their AS studies. Highlights of the day included the opportunity to listen to a talk about three of the most recent productions of Hedda Gabler with Beckie Mills (Theatre Royal Bath Production, 2010), Psyche Stott (Old Vic Production 2012) and Rachel Lincoln (NT Production 2017).

The students also had the opportunity to hear a very interesting and challenging lecture on the work of Ibsen by Kirsten Shepherd-Barr, Professor of English and Theatre-Studies, University of Oxford. The study day gave the students an amazing opportunity to see the understudy cast of the National Theatre's current production at work in rehearsal, whilst the assistant director, Rachel Lincoln, talked through the range of processes involved in bringing the text to life.

Mrs May, Head of Drama, was delighted that the students embraced this unique opportunity, and even plucked up the courage to contribute ideas and ask insightful questions. The students are going to see the production on Monday 6th February, and the students are even more excited about it as a result of their attendance at the workshop.

Please follow link below to find out more about Hedda Gabler and the National Theatre





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