Year 7 and 8 Interform Speaking Competition - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



Year 7 and 8 Interform Speaking Competition

Earlier this month Year 7 and Year 8 students participated in an Interform Speaking Competition.

The students took the competition very seriously, although lots of fun was had too! Students competed against each other, then the winning group for each form entered the semi-finals before the final took place, with primary judge appointed as Headteacher, Mr Sutherland.

Year 7 were debating ‘cake’ and the winning team discussed cakes through the ages; while Year 8 debated ‘metal’ and the winning group discussed metals in medicine.

The English teachers had taught the students key debating and presenting skills, but the teams had to work together too, to ensure they researched and wrote some powerful speeches using a range of rhetorical techniques. Students were scored in three areas:

a) Cohesion and Structure (roles)

b) Quality of Ideas and Argument (research and writing)

c) Audience Engagement (delivery)

It was a very close final, and we were incredibly impressed with the level of presentation and delivery, as well as the close attention to detail. Congratulations to all involved!

The winners of the Interform Speaking Competition are listed below with 7 Burleigh emerging as the winners in Year 7.

The Year 7 students are as follows:

Rowan How - Chairperson

Matilda Harrison-Maggs - Main Speaker

Nathan Wright - Vote of Thanks

Lars Moran - Research Editor

William James - Chief Speech Writer

The winners in Year 8 were 8 Essex:

Ben Westcott - CP

Mirren Renganathan - MS

Reuben Wolf - VOT

Jai Dhaliwal - Research Editor

Tom Potts; Jonny May - Chief Speech Writer





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