May Interform Competitions - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



May Interform Competitions

Well done to all Year 7 & Year 8 students who took part in interform competitions this past week. The competitions were planned and lead by our current Year 12 sports leaders group. The Year 12’s were split into groups of 6 and oversaw the Year 7 and Year 8 boys rugby and Year 7 & Year 8 girls football. It was fantastic to see over 300 students taking part over two days. The leaders were sporting bright pink t-shirts and as you can see from the photos, the students really appreciated being together again to enjoy some healthy, competitive interform sport! 

The competitions were a huge success and a testimony to the skills the leaders have developed through the year on the course. Despite the lockdown, the Year 12’s continued to lead sessions online via Teams, planning and leading fitness sessions to our Year 7 & Year 8 students. Organising the interform competitions was their last task on the course and we are confident they will go on to become extremely good leaders in the future.

Results of the competitions are listed below:

Year 7 Girls Football:

  1. Exeter
  2. Burleigh
  3. Temple
  4. Dane
  5. Lincoln
  6. Clement
  7. Essex
  8. Clare

Year 7 Boys Rugby

  1. Temple
  2. Clare
  3. Lincoln
  4. Burleigh
  5. Exeter
  6. Clement
  7. Essex
  8. Dane

Year 8 Girls Football:

  1. Temple
  2. Exeter
  3. Dane
  4. Burleigh
  5. Essex
  6. Lincoln
  7. & 8. Clare & Clement

Year 8 Boys Rugby:

  1. Lincoln
  2. Burleigh
  3. Temple
  4. Clement
  5. Essex
  6. Dane
  7. Exeter
  8. Clare



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