Students and staff celebrate World Book Day! - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



Students and staff celebrate World Book Day!

Students and staff celebrated World Book day on Thursday 7th March 2019. Librarians Mrs Gustafsson and Mrs Murray organised a number of events to celebrate this global event!

Students enjoyed taking part in the Book Title Scavenger Hunt. The students were given a list of book titles and they had to match and find the member of staff wearing the badge with that title. The librarians also showed film clips from books and held a book quiz at lunch time, with help from library prefect Freya Rickard. Students were also treated to a variety of sweets whilst they were engaged in the numerous activities!

Congratulations to the following year 7 students who won the following competitions;

Book Quiz Winners - Zakariya, Leo, Matteo and Danvir

Scavenger Hunt - Olivia, Anja, Chloe, Pia

Missing Word - Ayaan

Who's Reading - Mariyah

The English faculty joined in the fun and can be seen in character from Louis Sachar's book 'Holes'!

To find out more about World Book Day please follow the link below;













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