Year 7 Hockey Success - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



Year 7 Hockey Success

Danes Student Journalist, Connie O'Mahony (7D) reports ...

On Wednesday 7th March, St Clement Danes played RMS for the second time. It was a tournament, and previously we had defeated them, but now they were back, more powerful and more competitive than ever. After some minor issues with team absence, we raced to the Royal Masonic. Our school began to warm up, and within a few minutes, the court was alive. Matilda Beloou started with the ball and it was swiftly passed to Libby Carstairs. The game was evenly matched; the referees weren’t biased and there were no fouls. We were playing well, but to win (or lose) a goal had to be scored. It was the last minute, and still no one had even attempted to shoot. From where I was on the pitch, I could not see the goal very well, but to my knowledge it was passed to Eloise Murray, who dribbled to Nia Randhawa, who tapped it into the goal. Immediately the referee blew the whistle and the game was over. We had won our first match! Three more games and lots of cheering followed and we came third overall.


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