Policies - St Clement Danes School



Pupil Premium & Catch Up-Premium

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What is the Pupil Premium?

The Pupil Premium is additional funding allocated to PP Awards 2016   Secondary schools with published KS4 results V1publicly funded schools in England on behalf of students who are considered, for one of a range of social, emotional or financial reasons, to be disadvantaged. The funding is designed to help schools ensure they raise the attainment of these students, and ensure that disadvantaged students are able to progress as well as students who are not.

The table below indicates the funding allocated by the Department for Education for the academic year 2023-24:


Nb table below includes updated allocation for 2023-2024

Disadvantage Factor Allocation

Students in Y7-11 recorded as having had Free School Meals at any point in the last 6 years.


Children Looked After by Local Authority Care.


Children in ‘post-Local Authority’ care, including those who have been Adopted from Care.


Students in Y7-11 recorded as having been the child who has had a parent in the Armed Forces in the last 5 years.



It is important to note that Pupil Premium funding is not intended to be an individual ‘account’ per student. Rather, schools take an overview of their whole Pupil Premium budget, and the needs of all Pupil Premium students, then direct key strategies to help raise progress and attainment levels amongst Pupil Premium students. It is only by using the money as one budget that high cost support, e.g. staffing for one-to-one/ small group tuition can be funded.

Pupil Premium 2023-2024

The Pupil Premium budget for St. Clement Danes School in 2023-24 is forecast to be £72,603 which includes a Covid Recovery Premium of £15,284.

The table below explains the outcomes aimed for by the end of our current strategy plan (2022-2023 to 2024-2025), and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended outcome Success criteria
Improved progress and attainment across all key stages for students eligible for PP

Students eligible for PP to make as much progress as non disadvantaged students.

Students eligible for PP identified with low KS22/CATS scores to make as much progress as non disadvantaged students with low KS22/CATS.

To be monitored by PP Lead, HoFs, SLs and HoYs after each reporting cycle

Improved reading age scores for students
eligible for PP by the end of KS3

Students eligible for PP to have age related reading age scores in line with their non disadvantaged peers by the end of KS3.

To be monitored by PP Lead, SENCo, T&L Lead, Literacy coordinator

High levels of organisation and exemplary
behaviour for learning

Attitude to Learning data for PP students is in line with non disadvantaged students.

Reduction in the number of behaviour points given for lack of organisation / lack of equipment / not completing home learning to students eligible for PP.

Rewards and sanctions data shows no/minimal disparity between disadvantaged students and their peers.

To be monitored by pastoral team including tutors and HoY, Deputy Head Inclusion and PP Lead

Improved attendance for students eligible for


Students eligible for PP to have reached the school’s attendance target.

Reduction in the % of Persistent Absence for those students eligible for PP.

Minimal/no gap in attendance between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged students.

To be monitored weekly by attendance administrator, HoY, form tutors, Deputy Head Inclusion and PP Lead

All students eligible for PP have access to the
resources they need to access the curriculum
within and outside of the classroom


Students eligible for PP have no/minimal consequences for lack of equipment.

PP Lead to monitor and liaise with key personnel to review how best to target resources.

PP spending is carefully tracked and monitored and effectiveness of each provision evaluated.

Students eligible for PP have no/minimal consequences for lack of equipment.

To be monitored by tutors, HoY and PP Lead

Support in place for students with mental
health or wellbeing concerns


All students with wellbeing concerns logged, mental health protocols are followed and appropriate support and provision is in place for these students.

Improved attendance and wellbeing of students with concerns

To be monitored by Welfare Officer, Attendance Administrator, HoYs, Mental Health Lead, Deputy Head Inclusion and PP Lead

Any attainment gaps are identified with
appropriate interventions implemented to
support rapid progress


Progress of students eligible for PP are in line with their non disadvantaged peers.

Increased provision of one-to-one and small group tuition to support catch-up efforts and reduce attainment gap.

To be monitored by Deputy Head Curriculum (Assessment and Data), HoFs, SLs, SENCo and PP Lead

All students eligible for PP have access to the
wide range of extracurricular opportunities


High levels of participation in extracurricular activities

Participation and achievement in the ‘Danes Baccalaureate’ by students eligible for PP is in line with their peers

To be monitored by PP Lead, key staff with responsibility for delivering extracurricular provision, AK and Character Education Lead

Improved attendance by families eligible for
PP at all school events, particularly parent
consultation evenings and parent information
evenings in KS4


100% attendance at all key parents and families events.

To be monitored by PP Lead, HoYs, Deputy Head Pastoral, MG

This information is reviewed annually in the Autumn term.

Please refer to our Pupil Premium Strategy document (see below) for further information regarding Pupil Premium, including our intended outcomes by the end of our current Pupil Premium Strategy, how we intend to spend our pupil premium funding for this academic year, and a review of our previous strategy (2022-2023).

Title Date Size
  • Pupil Premium & Catch Up-Premium
    • 29/09/2021 267.95 KB
      06/10/2021 424.1 KB
      06/10/2021 419.15 KB
      03/11/2021 548.25 KB
      13/12/2023 167.79 KB