Year 10 Franklin Scholars gain mentoring skills - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



Year 10 Franklin Scholars gain mentoring skills

The Franklin Scholars organisation was founded in 2013 with the goal of using peer mentoring to help students in the transition into secondary school. St Clement Danes School participates in this scheme and has successfully run mentoring schemes in which Year 10 students offer peer support to our new Year 7 students, The scheme has been beneficial for both year groups, with our Year 10 students gaining a breadth of skills and our Year 7 students receiving invaluable support from the older students.

The school's Franklin Scholars coordinator, Miss Sacks, ran the first training session last week for our new cohort of Year 10 Franklin Scholars. The new group of mentors learnt about the skills required in being a mentor - good communication, the benefits of having a growth mindset, the best ways of giving feedback and encouraging learning. The mentors also started planning their future sessions for the Year 7 students.

We wish all our students a great experience during the programme and look forward to hearing about their progress during the months ahead.



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