Students raise baby trout to release into the River Chess - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



Students raise baby trout to release into the River Chess

Danes Student Journalist, Anna Casey 7E, reports ...

At St Clement Danes, 7 Exeter and 10 Exeter are working together to raise baby trout. They will then release them back into the River Chess.

The reason why some of the Exeter classes are raising trout is because the population of these fish is decreasing in the river. As part of a solution to this, some of the schools around Chorleywood are helping bring the numbers of trout up. Lots of schools have been participating in this task, such as Rickmansworth Park and St Clement Danes. Anna Baldwin in 7 Temple, who took part in this project when she was at primary school, said ‘It was really fun to help the trout, and it was a good experience!’

St Clement Danes have been raising trout for a couple of years now, helping to increase the local population of trout in the River Chess. This has been an ongoing project for a lot of schools; everyone is very enthusiastic.

St Clement Danes received the trout pre-hatched and now the Exeter students are feeding them and testing the water to check it is safe. They do this most days of the week at the beginning of their lunch break.

Everyone thinks it is very enjoyable and would love to do it again.


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