Students celebrate World Book Day 2018 - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



Students celebrate World Book Day 2018

We finally got to celebrate World Book Day in the Learning Resource Centre on Tuesday 6th March, our activities having been snowed off the previous week.  During morning break, Years 7, 8 and 9 got to listen to excerpts from some of their favourite books whilst also tackling two competitions set up in the library.  ‘Who’s That Reading’ challenged our students to identify teachers photographed holding a book in front of their faces.  This was won by FAYZ, a team of Year 8 boys, Adam Plant, Ben Heanen, Magarishi Chandra and Alexander Poliakov.  ‘Match The Book To The Teacher’ produced two sets of winners, Liam Potts and Farhan Uddin both in Year 9 and Scarlett Gammel from Year 8.

At lunch time we had our Big World Book Day Quiz.  This was a team event and the library was packed.  Amazingly, two Year 7 teams both scored an impressive 35 points to draw in first place. ‘Five Amazing’ included Ryan Sykes, Chloe Chambers, Rebecca Rae, Natasha Bailey and Anya Agrawal, and ‘Anonimus’ consisted of Toby Malcher, Nick Lake, Alec Colbeck, Ben Riley, Sam Latchman and Ben Willis.

The winners received a selection of Easter Eggs and Easter Bunnies but well done and thank you to everyone who joined in our celebration.

Jacqueline Murray and Janet Gustafsson- Librarians

To find out more about World Book Day please follow the link below:






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