Alex in BBC Young Musician Percussion Category Final - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



Alex in BBC Young Musician Percussion Category Final

Year 10 student, Alexander Pullen has been selected for the BBC Young Musician 2018 Percussion Category Final. Alex, who studies at the Junior Royal Academy of Music, will play a percussion programme at this prestigious competition which airs on the BBC in March.

In 2017, Alex won Bucks’ Young Musician of the Year and was runner up in the International Percussion Youth Competition held in Belgium. He regularly performs with the school orchestra; many will remember his performance of the last movement of Ney Rosauro's Marimba Concerto at last year's Easter concert. He is the youngest competitor to reach the Percussion Category Final this year.

Miss Stevens, Director of Music, said “Alex’s talent was clear from the moment he joined St Clement Danes School. His love of music shines through in all his performances. We are extremely proud of Alex’s achievements and very excited to see him perform in this competition.” Alex, who is modest about his success, says that it is a real honour to be placed in the percussion final. “I am grateful to the BBC for holding this competition as it is a really great platform to showcase musical talent around the UK. It is amazing to be surrounded by such inspiring musicians and I am excited at the prospect of performing on TV next month.”

Ahead of his appearance at BBC Young Musician, Alex will be performing his percussion final programme at the Royal Academy of Music on Saturday 3rd March at 3.45pm. The concert will take place in the Dukes Hall. All are welcome, no booking is required and entry is free.

The BBC Young Musician 2018 Percussion Category Final will take place at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire on Saturday 17th March. It will be recorded for future broadcast on BBC Four, date to be announced. Further details can be found here:


Tickets for the Final on 17th March can be bought here:




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