Speech Day 2017 - Latest News - St Clement Danes School



Speech Day 2017

On Friday, the school celebrated the successes of its student body at the annual Speech Day.

With the junior event taking place in the morning and the senior prize giving after lunch, hundreds of gathered students, parents and guests were able to enjoy the speeches and musical items and celebrate the students’ success. Both events were accompanied by superb performances by the First Orchestra and excellent speeches by the Head Boy and Girl, Matthew Leveridge and Mia O'Connell. Chair of Governors, Mr Mike Brasier, began by welcoming parents, students and guests and praised the work of the school in the past year, in particular singling out the magnificent performance of the Verdi Requiem, saying that “no challenge is too great for this school and its students.” In her speech, Dr Valentine paid tribute to those receiving prizes and thanked the staff for their “day in day out pursuit of excellence and care for the students” finishing by reminding the audience that St Clement Danes is “probably still the best school in the world.” Local MP David Gauke presented the prizes at the morning event. In his speech he urged the students to “embrace new opportunities” which will help prepare them for an ever changing world of work.

In the afternoon, Mr and Mrs Galli-Atkinson, Road Safety Campaigners, presented the prizes and spoke. Their daughter, Livia, attended St Clement Danes and, aged 16, was killed by a motorist later charged with dangerous driving. Mr and Mrs Atkinson, who subsequently campaigned vigorously for sentences in such cases to be toughened, spoke to the students about the importance of educating people in order to reduce the chances of such tragedy being inflicted on other families.

As the day came to a close, the prestigious Poppleton Prize for service to the school was awarded – this year to Millie Chapman. Dr Valentine spoke about the vast range of activities Millie had been involved in during her time at the school – competing as part of a huge range of school sports teams, leading activities for younger students and taking part in music and drama productions. Dr Valentine also mentioned her work in her local community, where she set up an a cappella choir which we reported on here. The day came to a close with the First Orchestra’s second rendition of the National Anthem.

To misquote Dr Valentine, St Clement Danes probably does Speech Day better than any school in the world, and 2017 was no exception.


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